Tuesday 5 June 2012


I am posting this with great trepidation. My friend Peter is a proud, independent Brit and would never ask for anything. I was trying to do a private email campaign but there is no time. So, I’m blundering in here – hoping that my intentions are understood.

Beadsmith, Peter Sewell, my lovely friend, is dying of cancer. A very short time ago, he was diagnosed and given roughly six months to live, but the cancer has proved to be much more aggressive and Peter is now in hospital and time is drastically short.

His family and beloved partner are suddenly facing not only this terrible loss, but an unexpected mountain of expenses, including planning a funeral.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I couldn’t work and lost the part of my income that paid for frivolous stuff like food. Many many good people quietly donated to a bank account for me – and it was, to me, a miracle. So needed. So surprising. So gratefully received. There is nothing cold about cash when times are desperate and no wealthy relative is due in town.

Now I know how the people who cared about me felt. How much you want to do something in the face of such sorrow & distress. How much you need to find some way to reach out and  help when all your words sound trite and useless and you live an ocean away. I’m crossing my fingers for 6 degrees of separation, folks.

This is Peter’s paypal address. Many of you know him from Facebook and if you feel you’d like to help and can, you can send a person gift through Paypal to: pandsewell@googlemail.com You will receive NO tax receipt, NO goods and services. All you get is to help a little.

Don’t think a small gift wouldn’t help. If you are cash poor, loving thoughts and prayers are also good.

I will trust in your better angels.


:-) MaryLou said...

I am so sad to read this about Peter. I didn't know him, but he seems like an amazing person from what others (including you) have said.

I'm just checking on the email address provided; I signed onto PayPal to help a bit, and it says the address given isn't a registered PayPal member. Can you just verify that it's correct? I want to make sure the money I send goes to Peter and his family and partner.

Howpublic said...

Mary Lou, I know about the unregistered thing - but the donations ARE going through. Thanks for helping.

:-) MaryLou said...

Thank you for responding so quickly! I just completed the PayPal gift. I hope it helps Peter and his family and partner to be able to focus on what's important right now rather than on money.

I still have tears in my eyes thinking about him.

Anonymous said...

I managed to buy one of Peter's creations recently - his paypal address is actually pandnsewell@googlemail.com. Their grandson is helping with the technology side of things as Peter's wife is understandably busy. Such sad news though.

Marsha Wiest-Hines said...

Got the same "not registered" message, but an trusting that the good intentions will get to the need. Thanks for all you do Linda.